Deadline May 1, 2025
The School Nutrition Association of North Carolina will award one $1500 scholarship to attend SNA LAC in Washington DC. The scholarship guidelines are shown below.
Applicant must:
1. Be a SNA-NC member for three years.
2. Must be a School Nutrition Director or Supervisor for a minimum of six months.
3. Must be able to pay additional cost needed to attend the National SNA LAC.
Instructions for Completing Application
1. Complete the online nomination form.
1. Scholarships are granted for the upcoming SNA LAC.
2. Winners will be announced at the SNA-NC annual meeting in June each year.
3. Disbursements of Scholarship funds will be coordinated between recipient, SNA-NC Executive Director and SNA-NC Bookkeeper.
4. Winners will be required to write an article for the Arrow after LAC.
5. Board of Directors members are not eligible to receive this award.
6. Past winners are not eligible to apply again.