Voice Recognition

Tim Greene Memorial Scholarship

SNA-NC 2024-2025 Tim Greene Memorial Scholarship

Deadline May 1, 2025

The School Nutrition Association of North Carolina will award one $1000 scholarship to attend SNA LAC in Washington DC.  The scholarship guidelines are shown below.


Applicant must:
1. Be an SNA-NC member and a School Nutrition Employee.
2. Must be able to pay the additional costs needed to attend the National SNA LAC.
3. Preference given to person attending SNA-NC LAC and/or active in legislative activities locally.

Instructions for Completing Application

1.   Complete the online scholarship application.
2.   Submit two (2) letters of recommendation by uploading them under "Document Upload".  One (1) letter of recommendation should be from your current supervisor.


1. Scholarships are granted for the upcoming SNA LAC.
2. Winners will be announced at the SNA-NC annual meeting in June each year.
3. Disbursements of Scholarship funds will be coordinated between the recipient, SNA-NC Executive Director, and SNA-NC Bookkeeper.
4. Winners will be required to write an article for the Arrow after LAC.
5. Past winners are not eligible to apply again.

Nominee/Applicant's Name:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Current Position:

School/School District Name:
Years in SNA-NC:
Professional Association Involvement:
Are you SNA Certified?
Are you SNA Credentialed?
School Nutrition Work Experience (Please list the employer, years of employment,and position(s) held)
Why should you be selected to recieve the Tim Greene Memorial Scholarship?
Document(s) Upload *File name cannot contain spaces or periods
Your Name:
Your Email:

To validate your submission, please answer the following math problem:

6 + 2 =