Voice Recognition

Martha Gomer SPIRIT Award

SNA-NC 2024-2025 Martha Gomer SPIRIT Award

Deadline May 1, 2025

The Spirit Award recognizes an outstanding Child Nutrition Supervisor who demonstrates strong commitment to the Child Nutrition Program (and the students who ultimately benefit from the Program) through infectious enthusiasm, a "can do" attitude and a spirit of service to the program and the School Nutrition Association.

The nominees for the SPIRIT Award exemplify their enthusiasm in the following manner:
S - Servant leaders who serve the program and the association with energy and enthusiasm
P - Passionate about the program and the students for whom the program exists
I - Inspires others to promote school nutrition 
R - "Ready, willing and able" attitude
I - Innovative, looks for solutions instead of problems
T - Team player who values the contributions of others

Nominee Qualifications:
1.   Must be an SNA-NC member for three years.
2.   Must be a Child Nutrition Supervisor for a minimum of three months.

Nominee/Applicant's Name:
Nominee/Applicant's Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
School/School District Name:

# of Years as a Supervisor:
SNA Membership #:
Years in SNA-NC:
Professional Association Involvement:
Are you SNA Certified?
Are you SNA Credentialed?
Name of Person Completing this Form:
Nominator's Position:
Nominator's Phone Number:
Document(s) Upload *File name cannot contain spaces or periods
Nominator's Email:
Your Name:
Your Email:

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