Voice Recognition

Lunch Bell Award

SNA-NC 2024-2025 Lunch Bell Award

Deadline May 1, 2025

TThe North Carolina Lunch Bell Award for newspapers was established in May 1995, by the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina. The Lunch Bell Award for Radio and Television was established in June 1980.  The awards are presented annually at the AC for outstanding service in the interpretation of nutrition education and/or school food services.
They recognize the tremendous impact of the news media on public awareness and understanding of the need for good nutrition and nutrition education and the role of Child Nutrition Programs and the public schools in meeting this need.
The Leadership Development/Awards Chair of SNA-NC  will administer the award according to criteria established by the Board of Directors.
Newspaper Categories
Outstanding photography, an outstanding article or series of articles, an outstanding editorial or series of editorials, and/or continuous comprehensive education coverage may be submitted.  Four awards will be given--one in each of the following categories:
1. Metropolitan Dailies-over 50,000 pop.
2. Local Dailies
3. Weeklies or biweeklies
4. Electronic Edition of Newspapers
Radio & TV Categories
Outstanding programs or series of programs, and/or continuous comprehensive education coverage may be submitted.  Two awards will be given--one in each of the following categories.
1. Radio
2. Television
1. Entries may be submitted by an SNA-NC local chapter, a SNA-NC member, or directly by the media.
2. Awards will be based upon coverage from January 1 to December 31.
3. Each entry must be supported by scripts, and/or other supporting evidence and should be submitted under "Document Upload".
4. Each entry should include chronological documentation of spot announcements, interviews, news features, programs, etc.
 5. Creativity will be considered.
6. The entry cover sheet will include:
            A. Category
           B. Name address, and telephone number or publication or station
           C. Name of the editor or station manager
           D. Name of the staff member who prepared the article or program
           E. Name and address of person or group submitting entry
           F. A statement outlining the influence and significance of the coverage and the date                of presentation.  The entry must be submitted as "tear-sheets" (whole pages)                    with relevant items completely encircled with a grease pencil.
 Do not clip articles. Electronic newspaper articles should be printed from the web with relevant items completely encircled with grease pencil. Cassette tapes or video tapes are to be submitted in the Radio and TV categories.
7. Entries will not be returned
Initial Screening.  The Leadership Development/Awards Chair will screen all entries to determine that they are eligible to be considered for awards.   They will consider the continuing coverage, the impact and influence of material, the excellence and accuracy of reporting and interpreting, and the contribution toward increases public understanding of school food service and nutrition education.  Final Selection. The Lunch Bell Awards Committee, comprised of representatives of business, industry, the press, radio, TV, and public relations specialists will select the state winners.  The Membership Committee and SNA-NC President will serve as consultants to the Awards Committee.

Category of Entry:
Publication, Radio or TV Station Name:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Editor or Station Manager's Name:
Writer/Programmer's Name:
Document(s) Upload *File name cannot contain spaces or periods
What was the influence and/or significance of the coverage?
What was the date of publication or air date?
Your Name:
Your Email:

To validate your submission, please answer the following math problem:

2 + 9 =