Deadline May 01, 2025
The School Nutrition Association of North Carolina Partner in Education Award is designed to recognize outstanding professional performance through continuing service and leadership in nutrition education at the local level. Outstanding performance of integrating nutrition education activities in both the cafeteria and classroom will be recognized.
Who is Eligible
Entries may be made by any individual who is a current member of the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina.
Criteria or Rules
1. Complete one Lesson/Activity Summary Sheet for each topic presented.
2. Activities may include tasting classes, demonstrations, exhibits, talks before PTA/PTO, parents, students, or community groups that specifically promote or deal with Nutrition Education or Standards.
3. Entries should cover the period of September 1 through April 15 of the school year. A minimum of five different lessons is required not to exceed ten lessons. Each lesson must be at least 20 minutes. If the same lesson is used, it must target different groups and the objectives must reflect the differences in lessons.
4. The participant has the responsibility for securing and compiling all entry form(s) and the personal datasheet.
5. Two objectives must be listed for each lesson/activity.
6. Additional information may be included such as pictures, newspaper articles, letters, etc.
7. Material should be compiled in one 2” thick or smaller notebook. Entries in notebooks larger than this will be disqualified.
8. Refer to judging criteria for additional guidance.
To Apply
1. Complete the online application.
2. Abide by the rules set above.
3. Mail completed notebooks with "Lesson/Activity Summary Sheets" to Dana Edwards at: 876 Davis Mills Road, Selma, NC, 27576 by no later than May 1, 2023.
Prior to June 1, the Leadership Development/Awards Chair of the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina will submit entries to a qualified panel of judges to select the winning entries. There will be a first, second, and third-place winner. A summary of the judges’ comments will be made and attached to each entry.
Holiday menus and decorations or special days for parents to visit are not necessarily eligible. These are promotions but may be eligible if nutrition instruction is provided in advance.
Presentation of Awards
The awards will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina in June. Winners' pictures will appear in the Fall issue of the ARROW.